Today, Doug Ford became Premier. So, I just now emailed Lisa MacLeod, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, to request a commitment from her to implement a groundbreaking report on ODSP and OW that will change the lives of people on ODSP and OW if implemented:
From: kylie.marie.brooks@gmail.comTo: lisa@lisamacleod.comSubject: Request to implement ODSP/OW improvementsFrom:Kylie Brooks[address elided]To:Lisa MacLeodMinister of Children, Community and Social Services80 Grosvenor St
Hepburn Block
6th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 1E9
Dear Minister Lisa MacLeod:I am on ODSP, I receive only $820 a month. After my bills are paid, the only way I can survive is to draw upon my savings that come primarily from OSAP. Without these savings, I would have basically nothing left to live on. This is unacceptable, and sadly this situation is experienced by most on ODSP and OW. Ontario can afford to pay people on ODSP and OW more.At the Debate on Accessibility and Disability Issues, the PC, NDP, Liberals and Green Party were asked how each party would, if elected, reduce poverty for low income working people with disabilities and people with disabilities using OW or ODSP. The response from the PC Party – represented by Christine Elliot, who was running for a seat in her riding, Newmarket-Aurora – was basically to repeat her party’s platform. This was not a substantive response to the question that was raised. (See for a transcript.)webcast-available-for- province-wide-parties-debate- on-accessibility-and- disability-issues/ I am requesting that you commit to implementing all of the recommendations in “Income Security: A Roadmap for Change” so as to improve the lives on ODSP and OW. No one should be living in poverty, regardless of whether they are working.Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to this happening.Yours sincerely,—Kylie Brooks